Happy City 2019 AGM + Call For Directors

Happy City St. John’s is hosting it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, October 10th from 7-8:30 pm at the Lantern (35 Barnes Road). Join us for an evening of refreshments and to hear about our year in civic engagement!
Meet the candidates for the 2019-2020 Board of Directors!
About the Role
Board members are a key part of shaping and executing Happy City St. John’s work. They serve a two-year term and meet at least monthly, with additional committee meetings to plan for and implement events and campaigns.
Members of the Board are encouraged to bring forward ambitious ideas for Happy City projects and are given the opportunity to work with our energetic team to bring those ideas to fruition.
Board members are expected to attend at least 50% of board meetings unless accommodations are agreed by the Chair.
Happy City St. John’s has an active volunteer board, and members should expect to spend at least 3-5 hours per month on Happy City duties outside of Board meetings.
Who Should Apply?
We are seeking board members with diverse experiences who have a passion for making their community a better place. All levels and kinds of community experience are welcome.
In particular, this year we are seeking an individual with financial management experience to join the board. If you’re passionate about local issues and have a finance or accounting background, we’re looking for you!
We believe that a strong community is one where all voices are heard, including those of people of colour, people from working-class backgrounds, women, LGBTQ2S+ people and other marginalized folks. We believe these citizens experiences must be at the centre of the work we do and hence strongly encourage nominations from people with these identities to apply.
How Does It Work?
Individuals self-nominate by completing an online form. Anyone member of Happy City can stand for election, except for candidates or elected officials for municipal, provincial, or federal office. The election of new Board members takes place on Thursday, Oct 10th at the AGM. Members vote to elect candidates in person following the introductions of all candidates and all candidates must attend the AGM in person.
Who’s a member of Happy City St. John’s? Anyone on our mailing list is a member! So, if you’d like to attend and vote or if you would like to run for a board position, sign up for the mailing list before the AGM!
Questions? Contact Rob Nolan- chair@happycity.ca