Past Events

This is where you will find the archive of past events that we have organized and hosted over the years! Not all of our events are captured here, but it should give you a good idea of what we do and what we offer as an organization.
Some of our past events include:
Active Streets Festival
August 26, 2023
On August 26th, Happy City St. John’s hosted its 2023 Active Streets Festival at the Downtown Pedestrian Mall to encourage people to walk, wheel, skate, or get moving.
Kenny’s Pond – Jane’s Walk 2023
August 15, 2023
On August 15, Happy City Chair, Anne Malone, led a walk around Kenny’s Pond. Kenny’s Pond Retirement Residence helped set up the walk.
Jane’s Walk 2023: A Sensory Walk through MUN Botanical Garden
July 20, 2023
On July 20th, Happy City St, John’s hosted a Sensory Jane’s Walk through MUN Botanical Garden. MUN Botanical Garden helped set up the walk.
2021 Annual General Meeting
October 28, 2021
On October 28th, Happy City St. John’s hosted its 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Zoom for the second year to look back on our activities over the previous year, discuss what to work on as an organization over the next year, and elect our 2021-2 Board of Directors.
2021 Election At-Large Town Hall
September 14 and 15, 2021
In the lead-up to the 2021 municipal election, we hosted an online town hall over two nights where voters could get to know the at-large candidates and ask them about their stances on different city issues, including accessibility, supporting community groups, the future of transit in the city, and municipal budgeting priorities. You can find more information about the town hall here.
Special General Meeting
July 21, 2021
In July 2021, we held a special general meeting to fill three interim seats on our Board.
Jane’s Walks 2021
May 21 – June 6, 2021
Jane’s Walks is a series of free, citizen-led neighbourhood tours that help people discover unseen, under-celebrated, and unique stories about their community. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we hosted our 2021 walks online. All 2021 Jane’s Walks for Newfoundland and Labrador can be enjoyed here and are offered in video, audio, interactive webinar, and visual formats.
2020 Annual General Meeting
October 21, 2020
On Wednesday, October 21, Happy City St. John’s hosted its 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Zoom to celebrate 10 years of Happy City St. John’s and to elect our 2020-2021 Board of Directors! During the AGM, we reported back on a year of activities, sharing highlights from the past 10 years, elected six (6) new board members, and engaged our members on where we should focus our efforts in the next 12 months and beyond.
Ward 2 Town Hall
October 14, 2020
In the lead-up to the Ward 2 by-election, we were so excited to have candidates Carol Furlong, Matt Howse, Lorne Loder, Gregory Noseworthy, Ophelia Ravencroft, Shawn Skinner, and Greg Smith join us to answer residents’ questions about the issues that matter most to them, including financing, accessibility, and public engagement. Watch the full video here.
Jane’s Walks 2020
May 6 – June 9, 2020
Jane’s Walks is a series of free, citizen-led neighbourhood tours that help people discover unseen, under-celebrated, and unique stories about their community. Due to COVID-19 and our attempt to flatten the curve through social distancing, Happy City St. John’s hosted its 2020 walks online. All 2020 Jane’s Walks for Newfoundland and Labrador can be enjoyed here and are offered in video, audio, interactive webinar, and visual formats.
Neighbourhood Summit
February 21 & 22, 2020
Jane’s Walks 2019
May 3, 4 & 5, 2019
Jane’s Walk is a series of free neighbourhood walking tours that get people out on the streets to discover unseen, under celebrated and unique stories about their city.
The free walking tours are held on the first weekend of May each year all around the world, and are led by locals who want to create a space for residents to talk about what matters to them in the places they live and work.
You can view a list of Happy City’s 2019 walks here.
Neighbourhood Summit 2018
September 22, 2018
Bikefest 2018
September 16, 2018
We partnered with the City of St. John’s and other local partners to organize the inaugural Bikefest. This event was held on Sunday, September 16th, on Water Street between Beck’s and Bishop’s Coves, and included guided bike rides, free tune-ups, cycling education (for kids and adults), and plenty of cycle-related entertainment.
Kenmount Terrace Town Hall
Fall 2017
On November 8th, 2017, Happy City held a neighbourhood forum at St. Michael and All Angels Church in Kenmount Terrace. Approximately 45 residents attended this session. You can find the report from this town hall here.
Municipal Election Summit 2017
Spring 2017
Organized in partnership with Memorial University and Municipalities NL, the 2017 Municipal Election Summit offered attendees a chance to learn from people who have been involved at every level of the Municipal process. Shannie Duff, Lynn Hammond, Ross Reid, Ronald Penney, Josh Taylor, and many others led discussions about how the municipal system works and how to participate in it effectively.
Gut Feelings: A Celebration of Quidi Vidi Village
Spring 2016
Quidi Vidi Village, sandwiched between Quidi Vidi Lake and Quidi Vidi Gut, was first settled in the mid-17th century, making it one of the oldest neighbourhoods in the city. It is a home for its residents and a magnet for tourists.
Happy City hosted a special pub night with a panel of some of the key people bringing new life to the Village.
Envisioning Cochrane Street: Neighbourhood Engagement Session
Fall 2015
In 2015, The Cochrane Street United Church was planning the renovations which led to the redevelopment of its annex into 10 supportive housing units, a commercial kitchen, and non-profit office and community spaces.
As part of the planning process, Happy City co-hosted a neighbourhood engagement session to hear ideas from the community about how this space could work, and how it could best serve the community of St. John’s.
Summer 2015
In partnership with Municipalities NL, Cities for People, GoBus Accessible Transit and Metrobus, we organized a day-long event celebrating public transit in St. John’s. We encouraged people to leave their cars at home for the day, take the bus, and tell us about their experiences on the bus. The day involved performances by musicians, poets, and actors on buses around St. John’s, as well as a chartered bus from the Bell Island ferry as a demo of expanded service.
Doing Density Right
Winter 2014
In partnership with the St. John’s Board of Trade and the Canadian Homebuilders Association we hosted a a major series of dialogue sessions, an online survey, a public forum, and more focused on discussing how St. John’s could sustainably add density in the areas marked out for intensification in the new municipal plan.
Snow Business
Winter 2014
After a particularly brutal winter, we organized a large-scale survey and public forums that gathered citizen ideas on how to improve how St. John’s deals with snow – many of which were quickly acted on. You can read our final report here and the city’s final report here.
Downtown West Forum
June 2014
With lots of big changes coming to the western end of downtown, we saw a need to talk about the neighbourhood as a whole – so we hosted a public forum and design session.
Municipal Plan Summary Release
Fall 2014
We released a short-form summary of the huge new municipal plan to help citizens understand the changes coming to their city.
Municipal Plan Revue
Fall 2014
Planning doesn’t have to be boring! Our Municipal Plan Revue brought together an improv troupe to interpret some of the citizen input we’d gathered about the municipal plan.
Happy City Hours
Began 2014
Happy City Hours were an intermittent series of informal pub nights where people who love talking about their city could gather, sometimes with a special guest to talk to.
How to Run a Forum
Summer 2014
We assembled a toolkit for other community groups looking to organize forums of their own.
Placemaking Talk
Spring 2014
We hosted renowned planner and “placemaking” enthusiast Dr. Katherine Loflin for a talk at the Rocket Room.
Think Big All-Candidates Forum
Fall 2013
We hosted a large, well-attended forum for all candidates in the 2013 Municipal Election focused on discussing big-picture topics and their vision for the city – issues that sometimes don’t come up in other forums at election time.
Candidate Survey
Summer/Fall 2013
We developed a survey distributed to all municipal candidates during the 2013 election and shared the responses through social media, our website, and more.
“My Happy City Is…” Campaign
Spring/Summer 2013
Summer student staff interviewed people all over town to gather their ideas on what their “Happy City” would be; this informed a lot of our advocacy in future years.
Transportation Research
Spring/Summer 2013
We did research into transportation options for mid-size cities, the history of transit improvements in St. John’s and the potential for the future.
Be the Planner
Summer 2012
We led a social media campaign asking people to “Be the Planner” and come up with creative ideas for sites around town – vacant and underused ones, especially.
Your Neighbourhood Ideas
Summer 2012
We gathered survey responses online and in-person to the question “What are the best things about your neighbourhood” and “What would you change?”. Outreach included hosting a neighbourhood BBQ and attending St. John’s Pride.