2022 Affordable Housing Team Update
At Monday’s regular City Council meeting, the annual update from the Affordable Housing team was presented. Here are some highlights:
- Creation of Civic Housing Action Fund to support affordable housing developments. 10% of funds raised via all development fees will go into this fund.
- Identified 4 city-owned vacant lots of land for housing.
- 28 Eric St
- 375 Waterford Bridge Rd
- 245 Forest Rd
- 80-90 Empire Ave
- Two projects under the Rapid Housing Initiative are almost complete which will add 20 more affordable units.
- Working with the Indigenous Housing Team to translate their tenant rights & responsibilities kit into Inuktitut and Innu-aimun.
- Worked with 5 community groups for alternate ways to get more housing in the city
- Began working with Metrobus to improve transportation systems as they relate to affordable housing
- continued work on proposal to waive fees for developers building affordable housing.