Ward 3 Media Coverage (Past and Present)
Here are links to current media coverage of the candidates and of Ward 3 issues, including the Village Mall apartment building proposal. We also provide links to the media coverage of the 2021 city election below – Mark House, Greg Noseworthy and Scott Fitzgerald also ran then.
The St John’s Morning Show has been interviewing the candidates:
Scott Fitzgerald
Walter Harding
Paul Morgan
Greg Noseworthy
Mark House spoke to Paddy Daly on Openline on the 23rd
Mark House announced his candidacy to Paddy Daly on Oct 11th
The CBC published a piece with profiles of all five candidates.
Coverage of the Village Mall apartment building proposal in Ward 3
Our own statement of concerns about the approval process
The Telegram on the initial announcement
The Telegram on Happy City’s concerns about the decision making process
The Telegram shares all candidates’ views of the Village Mall development
The CBC Morning Show interviews Myles Russell from Happy City partner organization Streets are For People
NTV did a short interview with our Vice Chair
Statements and interviews by candidates who ran in 2021
Mark House ran as an At Large candidate, and answered questions we put to all At Large candidates at the time, Greg Noseworthy ran for Ward 3 and Scott Fitzgerald ran for Ward 5.
The Independent had a special section on the 2021 election including policy related articles and responses to a series of policy questions posed to almost all candidates.
The Canadian Federation of Independent Business asked all city candidates a number of business-related questions.
Bicycle Newfoundland and Labrador posed nine cycling-related questions to all candidates
The St John’s Status of Women Council asked candidates questions about housing and accessibility, gender-based violence and a feminist approach to budgeting, and making it easier for marginalized people to participate in decision making and equitable, feminist leadership. There’s more information on their surveys here.
Mental health advocate Kristi Allan asked all candidates, “which initiatives would you work towards that would positively impact the mental health outcomes of St. John’s residents and city workers?”
The Telegram has a two part series on accessibility in St John’s (not paywalled)
Accessibility has come a long way in St John’s, but it still has far to go (Pt 1)
Unhappy trails: how an ambitious St. John’s bike plan went off the rails (Pt 2)
They also asked all candidates what they would like to see happen to Mile One
St. John’s doesn’t like bikes. Here’s why its cycling plan needs to change lanes – Opinion piece on CBC