Transportation and Environment in Your Avalon
On Saturday, May 13th, Happy City St. John’s, in partnership with Municipalities NL, will be hosting a day-long forum about the future of the Northeast Avalon Region at the Housing and Homelessness Network building in Pleasantville.
Click here to register
Come and have your say! A new regional plan is being created for the Northeast Avalon and you have a chance to provide your input. The last regional plan was written in 1976, so this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to help shape the future of your region!
Let’s talk environment! The population of the region is growing and this has an impact on available drinking water, farmland and the East Coast Trail. Join us to discuss solutions for protecting our natural environment and providing sustainable services for the growing population. The environment session will take place 9:30am until 12pm.
Let’s talk transportation! With existing transportation infrastructure under strain, increasing population will continue to present challenges for transportation. Potholes, public transit and active transportation – how would you solve these problems? What are the transportation challenges that you face? Come and share your thoughts from 1pm to 3:30pm.
Happy City St. John’s, in partnership with Municipalities NL, is inviting you to join us for a day of discussing the future of our region. Consultants on the Northeast Avalon Regional (NEAR) Plan will be on hand to share information on the future of the region.
Join us for a day of discussion and a free lunch!
For more information on the NEAR Plan visit: