Happy City AGM and Social, October 26th, 6 PM
Happy City St. John’s will be hosting our Annual General Meeting and Social on Wednesday, October 26, from 6-8 PM at the Quidi Vidi Brewery.
This meeting is a chance for you to elect a board of directors to guide Happy City through another year, hear about our newly developed strategic plan, and sign up for committees and volunteer positions! Hang around for a bit after the meeting ends for a social with your fellow Happy Citizens.
Every member of Happy City gets a vote, and can run for the board. Who’s a member, you ask? Well, you are! To keep our membership list as open as we can, anyone on our mailing list is considered a member – so if you have friends who are interested, encourage them to sign up; they can do so at the meeting.
For an organization like Happy City, the energy and connections of an engaged board is super-important. So if you’re interested in guiding what we do, throw your hat in the race! We will have a few open spaces on our board this year.
Sound like fun? Drop us a line at admin@happycity.ca. Nominations will be open right up to (and during) the meeting, but if you know in advance that you’ll be running, send us along a short (max 200 words) candidate statement. We’ll send them along before the meeting for your fellow Happy Citizens to read.
Thanks, in advance, from the Happy City Board! We’ll see you on the 26th!