Gut Feelings: A Celebration of Quidi Vidi

Tuesday, May 10th, 5:30 PM, Quidi Vidi Brewery 

Join Happy City St. John’s in celebrating one of our most distinctive neighbourhoods at the Quidi Vidi Brewery.

Quidi Vidi Village, sandwiched between Quidi Vidi Lake and Quidi Vidi Gut, was first settled in the mid-17th century, making it one of the oldest neighbourhoods in the city. It is a home for its residents and a magnet for tourists.

Happy City would like to invite you to a special pubnight where you can hear (and talk back to!) some of the key people bringing new life to the Village (more information to follow!).

Happy City would also like to thank our sponsors in this event. The Brewery is providing the space and manning the taps. (Sorry, no free beer!)

So, please, join us for this special Happy City Hour! All are welcome! Share your stories, thoughts and questions about how this part of our city is developing. Do you like the new life that some businesses have injected into its core? Do you like the balance of old and new? Do you see further opportunities for it to grow? Share a drink, a laugh, and some good conversation!

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