New Business Round-up
Hello Happy Citizens!
We’re trying out some new types of content for you over the next couple months – let us know in the comments or on Facebook/Twitter whether you find this useful. Today, a quick roundup of what’s new (ish) in local business openings and closings. We figure that our gaggle of volunteers hears a fair bit about what’s on the go business-wise, and it might be worth pulling this together in one spot. Got others for us to add to this list?
There are a few notable moves and openings on the go downtown. The Starbucks in Atlantic Place has closed and moved down the street to new digs at 351 Water (which is also now home to the St. John’s Fish Exchange, (run by the former Legros and Motti chef) with a rare view of the water from the tables. Fear not, though, if you were a fan of grabbing a coffee and mooching the Starbucks wifi to do work in the Atlantic Place atrium, because Jumping Bean will be taking it over . That will leave the existing Jumping Bean (formerly Hava Java) on Water empty and looking for tenants. Elsewhere downtown, Fogtown Barbershop will be moving around the corner in the same building to take over the big, bright Water St. storefront that used to be occupied by Perfect Day. We also now have a board game cafe in town, with Mochanopoly taking over the old Coffee & Company space on Water Street.
Also downtown, the Bernard Stanley Gastropub has taken over the old Club Space, and the super-fancy Luxus Hotel and cocktail bar is open across from Raymond’s. Everyone’s favourite late-night feed is also back on the table now that Mustang Sally’s is reopening on Water Street next to the now-closed Nautical Nellies.
The big news outside downtown is that the empty Canadian Tire on Elizabeth (a frustration to everyone looking for a box of nails in the centre city) won’t be sitting empty much longer – Piatto has applied for a permit to open a new location there, and Leon’s will take some of the rest It’s not hardware, but it’s also not empty! That end of town is swiftly developing into a little mini-downtown (albeit not a very pedestrian-friendly one), with a big new Jumping Bean and (during the warmer months) the Blue on Water food truck.
Also outside downtown, the city’s range of cuisines has expanded with a new Philipino restaurant open on Ropewalk Lane.