Category: Housing

We urge council not to make final Village Mall apartment decision without proper information, public debate

Visualization of apartment building proposal for Village Mall parking lot

The City of St John’s has announced its intention to decide on November 12 on whether a six story, 110 unit apartment building should be built in the Village Mall parking lot. Developers have indicated that unnecessary regulation and delays in the process are discouraging them from building and we pressed the city earlier this year to make it easier for developers and homeowners to construct apartments to help meet pressing housing needs. In principle this proposed development and others like it could play an important role in addressing the housing affordability crisis. Why then are we raising concerns?

We believe the approval process in this case has not been followed appropriately, so the city and public risk losing a key chance to work constructively and publicly to find the best possible outcome.The public has been given until November 5th to submit public feedback, but neither the public nor the council appears to have enough information about the proposal to make an informed decision now. Crucially, unlike the major proposals that require a re-zoning to proceed, there will not be a second opportunity for public feedback when further details emerge.

Here are the key points of concern we have about the development process:

1) The proposal to build this apartment building is being treated by the city as a “discretionary use” of the land it is on – the approval and notification process for this is much less stringent than it would be if the land had been rezoned. The city’s planning and engagement sites don’t link to the proposal for example, and no news release was made. The proposal was mentioned by the city on social media but that is not a required part of the process. Crucially, while a rezoning proposal calls for an initial approval decision followed by a second public consultation when more details are available, there is only one consultation required here.

2) Classifying this as a discretionary use decision is questionable. Development regulations for the Commercial Regional zone do allow for a “Dwelling Unit – 2nd storey or higher” as a discretionary use, but it seems clear from the context that this was intended to allow for small-scale supplementary dwellings but was not intended to enable a proposal of this kind. As best we can determine, there are no apartment buildings or multiple occupancy housing units in any other CR zoned area in the city.

3) Given the size and scale of this development, the information initially available on October 18 was extremely limited (neither the height nor even the location of the building within the land around the Village Mall were specified). By the 22nd, a few more details (the building height and its location “toward the North side of the property”) had been added, but still no artist rendering, exact location, indication of the dimensions of the building and so on have been provided. (See

4) Believing that the council’s regulations indicate the public has the right to see the full application details, our Vice-Chair requested them, but was told repeatedly by planning staff (who had not at that point consulted the city’s ATIPP coordinator) that this would require an ATIPP request because the application contained details that needed redaction.

That ATIPP coordinator was able to confirm that this six page survey and basic schematic could be provided without needing redaction and has shared it with us and we can now share it with you. They also told us that this was the only additional information on the application currently in possession of the council. As you will see in the background information below, this is well short of the amount of information that developers are meant to provide.

5) Among the issues that the schematic we have seen raises but does not itself answer is the number of the original parking lot spaces that would be lost due to construction, the number of parking spaces that would be needed to be allocated to future residents in the area around the building (it provides 82 spaces in the building itself but without council waiving requirements, the building would require 120 spaces), the nature and character of any landscaping, and how pedestrians will safely and comfortably get from the building to the mall, to transit options, or to surrounding streets.

Happy City does not think it is reasonable to require extensive public engagement on every decision Council makes to allow a discretionary use. We would merely like to make sure that when one of the largest and most high profile developments in recent history comes before Council, it has the information it needs to decide and the process is handled in ways that offer the public a reasonable chance to weigh in on its merits and to suggest improvements. If the council wishes to treat this as a discretionary use application, it has the authority to attach conditions to its approval. Setting a second deadline for the developer to provide additional information and requiring a second opportunity for public and council scrutiny before proceeding would satisfy this need.

We sent the city clerk and council a short letter on the 24th requesting that the council defer its decision until more information about the application is available to it and to the public.

We also intend to raise with the council in more detail all issues we have outlined here over the coming days. We are concerned that the way this application has been treated may be just one example of wider systemic failures that need correction.

The Ward 3 By-election

All candidates in the Ward 3 by-election (in whose ward the Village Mall is located) have now been informed of these concerns. A round table discussion is now scheduled to take place on November 1st along the lines of the one that took place for Ward 4 candidates earlier this year, and we hope they will respond to the issues raised here either separately or during that discussion.

We are still collecting the candidates’ responses to questions we posed to them last week and bringing together links to present and past media interviews and statements. This information as well as information and statements related to the Mall development and other Ward 3 issues can be found here.


Ward 3 byelection city information (including candidate contact information)

Information to be provided to council by developers applying for discretionary use according to municipal regulations (p. 4-3)

Available to the public

Location (approximate only)

Description of Proposed Use
Building Floor Area and Height (approximate height only)

Additionally available to the council (from the plans we are now sharing)

Building Floor Area and Height
Site Plan
Lot Area & Frontage

Building Placement

Apparently not available to council or public (despite being required by regulations)

Vehicular Access
Water & Sewer
Off-Street Parking
Number of employees on site
Hours of Operation/Duration
Storm Water Management Plan
Snow Storage Plan (As requested)
Pedestrian Access, Cycling, & Transit

City Wetlands protection debate at 3pm – some background

We’ve seen quite an upsurge of interest on social media (here for example) about proposed changes in the way undeveloped wetlands around the city will be protected in future (or not). The council is going to vote on whether to approve their new rules in the council meeting Tuesday 11th at 3pm.  This link will show the video of the debate when it starts and meanwhile provides links to relevant council documents, including staff summary of public reaction so far.

To briefly (and hopefully correctly!) summarize – there is quite a bit of un-developed wetland within the City of St Johns’ boundaries, and the city is trying to devise a (relatively) low-cost method to allow it to decide which parts of it should be protected from future development. Current regulations state no development is permitted on “in a waterway, wetland, pond, lake or the Buffer adjacent to a body of water or in a Floodplain”.

Staff took a tool academics developed – the WESP-AC (Manual for Wetland Ecosystem Services Protocol for Atlantic Canada (WESP-AC)) – and used it to evaluate several wetland sites around the city. The WESP-AC does not specify what their score should allow or not allow – it is just a relative score. City staff recommended a score of 5 as the threshold to trigger protection of these and future wetlands. It found 13 of the 68 sites they studied would be protected from development with a target score of 5 – but of those that would “fail”, all but eight are part of stream systems which would therefore mean they would be (partially?) protected by rules protecting flood plains. Crucially for what followed, none of the areas studied that fell between 5 and 6. In future, areas that were not studied would have to be studied using the WESP-AC and scored before it could go forward, and there would also be public consultation. No wetlands-related consultation on areas that have just been mapped and scored would be needed, however.

Update: The Environment & Sustainability Experts Panel was not consulted before staff were asked to decide what amount of development would be acceptable. One of the first responses to the most recent public engagement was a letter from a provincial wildlife biologist who helped write the formula that was used, saying it was not appropriate to use his measure to justify development in that way and could set a dangerous precedent.

Here is an overview of how things have gone in council:

This proposed change was first discussed in November in the Committee of the Whole – you can view the debate and accompanying documents here starting at 13:50. Sheilagh O’Leary, Cllrs Ellsworth and Burton were not present.

Cllr Hickman introduced the idea that the staff-recommended threshold of 5 should be changed to 6 (or 5.5). Korab agreed with him. Cllr Ravencroft suggested 5.5 on the grounds that we need to be able to build more housing – “I question whether 6 is pushing it”. Cllr Bruce “5.5 I would be willing to entertain but not 6”. Korab moved the amendment to 6 and Cllr Hanlon (who had not spoken) seconded it. Cllr Froude said staff recommendation was a good balance and that moving it to 6 seemed arbitrary. Cllr Ridgeley did not speak but voted in favour of raising the number to 6.

Cllrs Froude, Bruce and Ravencroft voted against the change in the number, but nobody critiqued how the numbers were arrived at.

It came back to council at the end of November – the debate started at this link from 30:31 in the clip.

Deputy Mayor Sheilagh O’Leary said that she was “very satisfied to support the conservative measure of five originally set out by staff [or even 5.5] but not six. “I really feel that we need to be more conservative in our approach.”
Cllr Burton said, “there is a huge range of possible outcomes between the numbers of five and six. … So to me, this wetland study is more a how to develop in the wetland, versus to how to keep a wetland from being developed. … I saw five as an extremely arbitrary number… I wouldn’t encourage council to accept the staff recommendation, the original staff recommendation of five as it is already an arbitrary number and doesn’t reflect the the the extraordinary need to protect wetlands within the city as I see it.”
Cllr Ravencroft said, “I think 5.5 was kind of a nice midpoint. If we set it high, now, we’re not gonna be able to take it back later.”
Cllr Korab, “it’s tough when we say we need more affordable housing, we’re in a housing crisis, which isn’t going to be corrected anytime in the short term to turn around and limit the land that can be developed. Now we can’t go crazy. But I feel six is a better number it leads to possibly more development as outlined.”
Cllr Hickman: “I’m quite comfortable with six, because it doesn’t impact any lands that could be seen as of concern. We need neighborhoods, complete neighborhoods, we’ve talked about many times, and we need stores, churches, schools, etc, to support that. We cannot expect that if we don’t make land available.”
Cllr Ridgeley: “With the crisis that we have now with housing, every lot that we take out of development increases the cost of the developer. And those costs will be reflected back to the people that are purchasing the land and the home. So for that reason, I’m I am comfortable, quite comfortable with six”.

Cllr Bruce spoke briefly in favor of 5.5 not 6, Cllr Hanlon in favor of six.

The councillors voted as follows:

For (5) Mayor Breen, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Hanlon, Councillor Korab, and Councillor Ridgeley
Against (4) Deputy Mayor O’Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Ravencroft, and Councillor Bruce
Abstain (1) Councillor Ellsworth (because of potential conflict of interest)

The formal public engagement process ended at the end of the month but of course you can still contact councillors directly.

Cllr Burton said (and subsequent councillors on both sides appeared to agree) the number provided in this formula is “arbitrary”. The academics who drafted the formula in the first place and the Environment & Sustainability Experts Panel also agree.

Happy City’s draft report on the City of St John’s changes to its planning regulations

Below is an executive summary of our report on the city’s proposed changes to housing planning regulations, co-authored with Streets Are For People. The full text of that report is available here and anyone reading it who wishes to can comment on it and make suggestions. We hope that this will be the start of a more thorough and broad discussion about the future of housing policy here in St John’s, and our research into this area in collaboration with Streets are For People has not ended. While the formal public engagement on this set of regulatory changes has now ended, there will still be plenty of opportunity for further discussion and analysis in the coming months and we expect to produce a more detailed version of our report.

The planning changes proposed by the city appear to have been proposed mainly in order to comply with conditions set by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). They will enable the city to receive $10.4m over three years, but only the broad outlines of what that money will be spent on are currently available. It’s important to note that none of that money will be spent directly on building particular homes – the money and planning changes are meant to encourage mainly private developers and homeowners to build affordable housing. Tellingly, in the documents we have seen, no additional housing units are projected to be built solely as a result of the regulatory changes proposed here.

While the rule changes outlined here remove some barriers to making more of the affordable housing studies indicate are required, we found:

    • Many technical and economic barriers remain unaddressed. Unless supporting changes to engineering and other requirements are also examined, several in the development community have suggested to us it seems unlikely that most of the additional housing now legally allowed will be feasible.
    • While the city is now starting broader discussions with developers it appears the development community had little voice in the initial drafting of the city’s proposals. Since these changes are meant to encourage developers to build more and differently, why were they not brought in to the discussions earlier to learn from them directly what changes to development and design regulations they say would be most effective in encouraging and enabling them to meet housing needs? The same could likely be said of other communities of experts outside the city’s staff.
    • Looking at other jurisdictions where similar changes were proposed to enable homeowners to renovate their homes to enable more housing units to be built on their properties, takeup has been very modest. Even where such changes would be technically feasible and cost effective, homeowners may simply not be interested in taking up these opportunities.

Given the large existing shortage of affordable and appropriately sized housing, and the demographic shifts that are expected to make the gap worse, these regulatory measures alone will do very little to address the problem. Not enough is publicly available about what the city plans to do to accompany these changes with other actions, but it seems clear from the city’s own estimates that these changes will at best result in hundreds of additional affordable homes in the next few years when all researchers suggest thousands are required. When the city made a bid for $18.5 million in October, it claimed that that funding would result in 475 additional units being built, 175 of them affordable – over the following three years. The city’s own housing needs assessment found that in 2021 there was already a need for 7,200 more affordable units, and that the number was only set to increase.

Other Canadian cities have been much more ambitious in their planned regulatory changes in response to both their ongoing housing needs and specifically in order to release more Federal funding. For example, Edmonton now allows up to 8 units on a lot citywide and has eliminated minimum parking requirements for residential uses. And in the suburbs of Halifax, the city plans to reduce parking requirements for multi-unit dwellings from 1.5 spaces per unit to one for every 3 units. Halifax has received twice the funding per capita that St John’s is getting.

While it is beyond the scope of this report to suggest what further regulatory and other changes should be considered and would be appropriate for the city, it is clear the changes proposed go nowhere near far enough to address a crisis that blights the lives of many residents today and stands in the way of a prosperous and happy future for the city and province. At the first public engagement session, a senior staffer explained to those gathered these proposals were not more sweeping because, “we want to walk before we can run”. Is this really reflective of the council’s views on the crisis that confronts the city? We don’t know what kind of solutions are needed but surely strolling along is no longer a tenable position.

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