2020 AGM

Happy City St. John's Annual General Meeting 2020.  Celebrating 10 years of Civic Engagement! October 21, 2020. 7:00 to 8:30pm. Join us online!

On Wednesday, October 21, Happy City St. John’s hosted its 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Zoom to celebrate 10 years of Happy City St. John’s and to elect our 2020-2021 Board of Directors! During the AGM, we reported back on a year of activities, sharing highlights from the past 10 years, elected six (6) new board members, and engaged our members on where we should focus our efforts in the next 12 months and beyond.

2020-2021 Board of Directors Election

Thanks to all the candidates who put themselves forward & to our members who joined us for a great discussion this evening at our first online AGM. We’re looking forward to an exciting year ahead!

Our 2020-2021 Board of Directors include: Ayse Akinturk, David Brake, Jen Crowe, Ozgen Demirkaplan, Brad Glynn, Meghan Hollett, John Lander, Julia Lawler, Loujein Mouammer, Elizabeth Oliver, Chelsey Pike, William Short, Debbie Wiseman, and Elizabeth Yeoman.


Review the minutes from the 2020 AGM here.

Review the activity report here.

Review the financial report here.

If you would like to review our by-laws, you can find them here.