AGM and Volunteer Brainstorming Session

City St. John’s will be hosting our Annual General Meeting on Thursday, October 8th, from 6-8 PM. We’re excited to be hosting it at the lovely new space in the NL Housing and Homelessness Network Building at 77 Charter Avenue (corner of East Drive) in Pleasantville (catered by their great new cafe). We’d love to see you there!

To make this meeting a double serving of urban idea awesomeness, come on out at 3 PM 
to the same spot for the We Are Cities Day roundtable ! Three roundtables took place in the St. John’s Urban Region during the first phase of the We Are Cities initiative. That input along with data from 60+ roundtables elsewhere across the country has contributed to a first draft of a Canadian Cities Agenda –  a plan to make urban regions in this country more livable and resilient for everyone.  This roundtable is your opportunity to provide them with feedback on the framework being developed based on the ideas generated over the past months – then you can stick around for a bite to eat and our AGM.   Details and registration info for the We Are Cities event are here. 
This meeting is a chance for you to elect a board of directors to guide Happy City through another year, and (just as importantly) help us work on our volunteer engagement – a big goal for Happy City this coming year is getting more volunteers involved in a more organized way, and we want to get your ideas on how to do that!

Every member of Happy City gets a vote, and can run for the board. Who’s a member, you ask? Well, you could be! To keep our membership list as open as we can, anyone on our email lists is considered a member – so you can sign up anytime

For an organization like Happy City, the energy and connections of an engaged board is super-important. So if you’re interested in guiding what we do, throw your hat in the race!

Board terms are normally 2 years long, but at this meeting we’ll be electing a few members to one-year terms as well, so that we have a staggered set of term endings for future boards. We’ll be meeting (roughly) monthly, and we hope you can sit on a committee or two as well.

Sound like fun? Drop us a line at Nominations will be open right up to (and during) the meeting, but if you know in advance that you’ll be running, send us along a short (max 200 words) candidate statement. We’ll send them along before the meeting for your fellow Happy Citizens to read.

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